How To Get Email Subscribers Every Single Week?

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Who does not want to know how to get email subscribers on their list? Everyone who is building an email list always needs more people on their list. Building an email list is an essential component of any successful online business or marketing strategy.

However, growing that list consistently can be a challenging task. With the abundance of content and competition online, capturing the attention of potential subscribers requires strategic planning and execution.

It takes hard work but the long-term reward is worth it. Let’s look at these 6 proven ways that can help you consistently get hundreds of subscribers to your email list every week.

1. Create Valuable Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are bonus content pieces that complement your blog posts, articles, or videos. They offer additional value to your audience in exchange for their email addresses. Whether it’s a checklist, ebook, template, or exclusive video, a lead magnet will incentivize visitors to subscribe to your list to get that valuable resource.

a. Identify Your Audience’s Pain Points and Needs

To create a lead magnet that resonates with your audience, you must first understand their pain points and needs. Analyze your existing content and audience feedback to pinpoint areas where they’re seeking more information or assistance.

Conduct surveys, engage in social media discussions, or use analytics tools to gather insights into what your audience is looking for.

b. Choose the Right Format

lead magnets come in various formats, so choose one that aligns with both your audience’s preferences and the topic of your main content. Common formats include:

  • Checklists and Cheat Sheets: Summarize key points or steps related to your content.
  • Ebooks and Guides: Provide in-depth information on a specific topic related to your content.
  • Templates and Worksheets: Offer tools or resources that help your audience implement what they’ve learned.
  • Video or Audio Content: Provide additional tutorials, interviews, or discussions.

c. Create High-Quality Content

Regardless of the format you choose, ensure that your lead magnet is of high quality. Provide valuable insights, actionable tips, or exclusive information that your audience can’t find elsewhere.

Make it visually appealing with graphics, images, or professional design elements to enhance its overall appeal.

d. Align with Your Main Content

Your lead magnet should complement and expand upon the main content it accompanies. Make sure it provides additional value and enhances the reader’s understanding of the topic.

  • For example, if your main content is a blog post about social media marketing, your lead magnet could be a checklist of daily social media tasks for business owners.

e. Keep It Simple to Access

Make it easy for visitors to access your lead magnet by placing clear and prominent calls-to-action (CTAs) within your main content.

Use attention-grabbing language and design elements to encourage subscriptions. Additionally, ensure that the opt-in process is straightforward and doesn’t require too much personal information.

f. Promote Your Content Upgrade

Promotion is key to maximizing the reach and impact of your lead magnet. Share it across your website, social media channels, email newsletters, and any other relevant platforms.

Consider partnering with influencers or other content creators in your niche to extend your reach even further.

2. Implement Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-intent popups appear when a visitor is about to leave your website. They present a last-minute opportunity to capture the visitor’s email address before they navigate away.

By offering a compelling reason to subscribe, such as a discount or freebie, exit-intent popups can significantly increase your subscriber count.

The phycology of implementing exit intent pop-ups

Exit-intent pop-ups leverage a psychological principle known as the “Zeigarnik effect” and the concept of loss aversion to capture visitors’ attention and encourage them to take action before leaving a website.

Zeigarnik Effect:

The Zeigarnik effect suggests that people are more likely to remember and feel compelled to complete tasks that are left incomplete.

When a visitor is about to leave a website, they may experience a sense of cognitive dissonance, as their action contradicts their initial intention to explore the site further.

This creates an opportunity to interrupt their departure and offer a chance to complete a task – in this case, subscribing to an email list – before they go.

Loss Aversion:

Another psychological principle at play is loss aversion. People tend to place more value on avoiding losses than acquiring equivalent gains.

Exit-intent pop-ups tap into this by presenting an offer or incentive that the visitor could miss out on if they leave the site without subscribing. The fear of missing out (FOMO) on valuable content or exclusive offers motivates them to act to avoid the perceived loss.

To optimize the psychological impact of exit-intent pop-ups, it’s crucial to maintain trust and credibility. Avoid bombarding visitors with intrusive or irrelevant pop-ups, as this can lead to frustration and damage your brand’s reputation.

3 good exit intent pop-up plugins

  • Powerful drag-and-drop builder for creating custom pop-ups.
  • Exit-intent technology to trigger pop-ups when users are about to leave.
  • A/B testing to optimize pop-up performance.
  • Advanced targeting options based on user behavior, demographics, and more.
  • Integration with popular email marketing services.

OptinMonster offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of targeting options, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced marketers.

  • Exit-intent pop-ups and other list-building tools such as scroll boxes and welcome mats.
  • Customizable templates to match your website’s design.
  • A/B testing to optimize conversion rates.
  • Integration with popular email marketing platforms and analytics tools.

Sumo provides a suite of tools beyond just exit-intent pop-ups, allowing you to implement various strategies to grow your email list.

  • Exit-intent pop-ups and various other opt-in form types.
  • Drag-and-drop editor for easy customization.
  • Advanced targeting options based on user behavior and interests.
  • A/B testing and detailed reporting to track performance.
  • Integration with major email marketing services and WordPress themes.

Thrive Leads is known for its robust features and flexibility, making it ideal for marketers who want full control over their opt-in forms.

3. Run Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are effective ways to generate excitement and encourage people to join your email list.

Offer a valuable prize related to your niche, and require participants to subscribe to your list for a chance to win. Promote your contest across social media channels and partner with influencers to maximize exposure.

Examples of effective contests and giveaways

  • Offering a free product or service related to your niche is an excellent way to attract subscribers who are genuinely interested in what you offer.
  • You could offer a gift card to a popular online retailer, restaurant, or even your own business.
  • Offer exclusive access to premium content, services, or events as a prize for your contest.
  • Create a bundle of related products or resources and offer it as a giveaway prize. This could include ebooks, courses, tools, or physical products.
  • Give away a unique experience that aligns with your brand or niche. This could be anything from a weekend getaway to a spa day to a hot air balloon ride.
  • Engage your audience by hosting a contest that requires them to create and share content related to your brand or niche.
  • Encourage your existing subscribers to refer their friends to your email list by running a referral contest. Offer prizes for both the referrer and the new subscriber.

4. Guest Blogging

Collaborating with other bloggers or businesses in your niche can expand your reach and attract new subscribers. Write guest posts for popular blogs or websites in your industry and include a compelling call-to-action to join your email list.

Where to find guest blogging opportunities

a. Google Search

Start by conducting a simple Google search using keywords related to your niche along with phrases like “write for us,” “guest post,” or “guest blogging guidelines.”

  • For example, if you’re in the fitness niche, you could search for “fitness blogs accepting guest posts” or “fitness guest blogging opportunities.” This can help you discover blogs actively seeking guest contributors.
b. Use Blog Directories

Explore blog directories like AllTop, Blogarama, or MyBlogGuest to find websites in your niche. These directories categorize blogs by topic, making it easier to find relevant guest blogging opportunities. .

c. Social Media Platforms

Utilize social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to find guest blogging opportunities.

Join relevant groups or communities where bloggers and content creators gather. Many bloggers post requests for guest contributors or share opportunities within these groups.

d. Pitch Websites Directly

If there are specific blogs or websites you admire and would like to contribute to, reach out to them directly.

Look for their “Write for Us” or “Contribute” pages to see if they have guest blogging guidelines. Craft a personalized pitch highlighting your expertise and the value you can provide to their audience.

e. Guest Blogging Platforms

There are platforms specifically designed to connect bloggers with guest posting opportunities. Websites like GuestPost and BloggerLinkUp allow you to browse and apply for guest blogging opportunities across various niches.

f. Check Out Content Marketplaces

Some content marketplaces offer opportunities for guest bloggers to connect with website owners looking for content. Platforms like ContentFly or Constant Content may have guest blogging opportunities available alongside other content creation services.

5. Optimize Landing Pages for Conversions

Your landing page is often the first interaction visitors have with your brand. Optimize it for conversions by focusing on clear messaging, compelling visuals, and a strong call-to-action. A/B test different elements such as headlines, copy, and button colors to maximize sign-up rates.

What makes an effective landing page?

1. Clear and Compelling Headline:

Your headline should immediately grab the visitor’s attention and clearly communicate the value proposition of your offer. It should address a specific pain point or desire of your target audience. Keep it concise and compelling to encourage further engagement.

Examples of clear and compelling headlines:
  • “Unlock Exclusive Deals & VIP Access – Join Our Insider Club Now!”
  • “Get Fit, Stay Motivated! Sign Up for Free Workout Guides & Tips”
  • “Master Your Finances: Subscribe for Expert Money-Saving Strategies”
  • “Cook Like a Chef: Get Mouthwatering Recipes Delivered to Your Inbox”
  • “Supercharge Your Career: Get Job Tips & Insights Straight to Your Inbox”
  • “Parenting Made Easy: Join Our Community for Expert Advice & Resources”

2. Persuasive Copy:

Use persuasive and benefit-driven copy that explains the value of your offer. Focus on how it solves a problem or fulfills a need for your audience. Keep paragraphs short and scannable, using bullet points or bold text to highlight key points.

3. Visually Appealing Design:

A visually appealing design can enhance the user experience and increase trust in your brand. Use high-quality images or graphics that relate to your offer and align with your brand aesthetic. Make sure the design is clean, uncluttered, and easy to navigate.

When it comes to using colors on your landing page, there is a psychological approach that you can use when choosing the color combination:

BlueTrust, reliability, calmnessBlue is a popular choice for landing pages, especially in industries like finance, healthcare, and technology, where trust and professionalism are crucial.
GreenGrowth, health, wealthGreen can be used for eco-friendly or health-related products/services, as well as financial and investment platforms.
OrangeEnergy, excitement, optimismOrange is attention-grabbing and often used for call-to-action buttons or elements where you want to encourage action.
RedUrgency, passion, dangerRed can be effective for creating a sense of urgency, such as limited-time offers or sale announcements. However, it should be used sparingly to avoid overwhelming visitors.
YellowHappiness, warmth, optimismYellow can be used to draw attention to important elements or to convey a cheerful and welcoming atmosphere.
WhiteSimplicity, cleanliness, purityWhite is often used as a background color to create a minimalist and clean design. It can help other colors stand out and improve readability.
Black Sophistication, power, eleganceBlack can be used to add contrast or to create a sense of luxury and exclusivity. It’s often used in fashion, beauty, or high-end products/services.
GreyNeutrality, balance, professionalismGrey can be used as a background color or for text and other design elements to create a sense of stability and professionalism.
PurpleCreativity, luxury, spiritualityPurple can be used for brands targeting a creative or affluent audience, or for products/services related to spirituality or wellness.
TealCommunication, clarity, sophisticationTeal is a blend of blue and green, often used to convey professionalism and trustworthiness while still offering a sense of freshness and creativity.
4. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA):

Your call-to-action (CTA) should be clear, prominent, and action-oriented. Use compelling language that encourages visitors to take the desired action, such as “Sign Up Now” or “Get Started Today.” Make sure the CTA button stands out visually and is easy to click on both desktop and mobile devices.

5. Lead Capture Form:

Keep your lead capture form simple and easy to fill out. Only ask for essential information, such as name and email address, to minimize friction and increase conversions. Consider using inline form fields or multi-step forms to improve user experience. Tools like AWEBER can help you easily create good opt-in forms.

6. Mobile Responsiveness:

Ensure your landing page is optimized for mobile devices since a significant portion of your traffic may come from smartphones and tablets. Test your page across various screen sizes and devices to ensure a seamless experience for all users.

7. Minimal Distractions:

Eliminate any unnecessary distractions on your landing page that could divert visitors’ attention away from your offer or CTA. Avoid including navigation menus, external links, or excessive content that may detract from the main goal of the page.

6. Leverage Social Proof

Social proof can significantly influence people’s decisions to subscribe to your list. Highlight testimonials, case studies, or subscriber counts to demonstrate the value and credibility of your content. Additionally, showcase any influential endorsements or partnerships to further validate your brand.

Here are some examples of social proof that you can leverage to encourage people to subscribe to your email list:

  1. Testimonials: Display quotes or video testimonials from satisfied customers or clients who have benefited from your content or products. For instance, “I doubled my website traffic within a month of subscribing to their email list!”
  2. Case Studies: Share in-depth case studies showcasing how your content or products have helped others achieve their goals. For example, “See how Jane increased her sales by 30% using our email marketing tips.”
  3. Subscriber Counts: Highlight the number of subscribers you already have to demonstrate that others find value in your content. For instance, “Join over 10,000 subscribers who receive exclusive tips and updates every week!”
  4. Influencer Endorsements: If relevant, feature endorsements from influencers or industry experts who support your brand. For example, “As recommended by [Influencer Name], our email list provides valuable insights for entrepreneurs.”
  5. User-generated Content: Showcase content created by your subscribers, such as testimonials, reviews, or user-generated images related to your brand or products. For instance, “Check out these amazing results shared by our subscribers!”
  6. Media Mentions: If your brand has been featured in reputable publications or media outlets, display their logos or snippets to build credibility. For example, “As seen in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and The New York Times.”
  7. Social Media Engagement: Highlight engagement metrics such as likes, shares, and comments on your social media posts to demonstrate an active and engaged community. For example, “Join the conversation with our vibrant social media community!”


Consistently adding hundreds of subscribers to your email list every week is achievable with the right strategies and dedication. By focusing on providing value, optimizing your lead generation tactics, and leveraging various channels for promotion, you can steadily grow your subscriber base over time. Remember to analyze your results, adapt to changes in your audience’s preferences, and always prioritize delivering quality content. With persistence and a commitment to serving your audience, you can build a thriving email list that serves as a powerful asset for your business or brand.